Sunday, November 20, 2016

21 Days of Thankfulness: My Photographic Attitude of Gratitude Project (Day 17) All God's Creatures Big and Small

I have quite the collection of bee photos
ever since my friend Michele Morris and
I joked about glory bees.

DAY 17: All God's Creatures Big and Small

My knowledge and appreciation of insects, birds, reptiles, and furry friends have certainly been enhanced by working with children.  They are so fascinated by the natural world and keep that sense of awe and wonder we adults tend to lose over time.  

Teaching about nature during the school year and summer camps at a Montessori school has inspired me to read and research more about insects and arachnids than ever before.  

I took this photo when I accompanied the photography class I
was teaching to Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens Butterflies Live exhibit.

When at Three Lakes Park with my sister, niece,
and nephew, we spotted this big bird perched up high.
I heard a very vocal squirrel when I was walking
around the Museum District, capturing some
beautiful fall colors with my camera.

This fine-feathered fowl was chillin' like a villain one afternoon
when a neighbor and I took an afternoon stroll at Byrd Park.

I had to take my husband Kevin to see Three Lakes Park. We
were amused watching the turtles in the lake nearest
Nature Center playing around.