Sunday, November 13, 2016

21 Days of Thankfulness: My Photographic Attitude of Gratitude Project (Day 10) Music that Inspires

DAY 10: Music that Inspires

Each one of these graphics I created using lyrics from songs that really spoke to me and pairing them with a photo or other piece of art I did.  All of these songs are ones I heard on a Christian radio station in our area called YourPER (Positive Encouraging Radio).  

To find out how you can stream the station online, click this link. Music has often helped inspire and soothe me.  It gives voice to the words I have trouble expressing and weaves poetry in when the right words tend to elude me.  

When I was studying abroad in Paris, France, during my Junior year of college, I would often listen to the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir audio tapes Kevin sent me.  They helped me make it through the tough nights when I couldn't sleep but had to stay relatively quiet so I wouldn't wake my host parents. I found a tiny little radio/cassette player and got a silver and blue walkman with headphones.  

I often tell people that I was raised on Broadway musicals and Disney movies.  It's amazing how everyone's mood seems to improve when music is involved.  I don't play an instrument, but I sure do love to sing!

Last Monday, as part of our middle school religious ed night at church, we had two teams compete to see who could "name that tune" before their opponents.  I recognized a number of the music from animated movies I grew up watching, many of them Disney classics that first came out in my youth. Sometimes, I could sing the song, but I wasn't able to spit out the name of the movie it had been in. On other occasions, I wasn't able to finish the verse or access the title of the movie from the recesses of my brain.