Saturday, May 20, 2017

We Are so Excited for John Baab: Our Beloved Brother in Christ Is Being Ordained a Transitional Deacon

Dear John, 

As you well know, the real letter I write you on this occasion will likely be of epic length and in handwriting that's not very good.  As I finish working on that, please accept this photo collage as a token of the love, joy, laughter, growth, compassion, and hope you have brought into our lives since we connected with you when you made your Cursillo while Kevin served on team back in March 2009.  

I can't imagine what our lives would be like without you and your family in them.  It has been such a blessing to walk with you these past eight years during your discernment.  We are very proud of you! We were there the day you turned in your application for seminary, and now we get to be there with you for your ordination.  We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!

Love, hugs, and prayers, Trisha & Kevin Potter