Sunday, August 13, 2017

Carytown Watermelon Festival 2017

Publix made their debut as the sponsors of this year's festival. Some
watermelon for $1 stands were set up, and all proceeds
from sales will go directly to Shriner's Children's Hospitals.
The Greek on Cary food stand had several succulent chicken kabobs
for sale as well as some very pretty carved watermelon decorations. I got
two chicken kabobs, pita bread, and an orangeade.
An actual watermelon starburst.  People are so creative.
I never thought to carve a design into anything but a pumpkin.

My friend Holly and her Golden Doodle Tova
were my companions for this year's festival.  
The three silly sisters enjoyed pizza at Mary
Angela's with their parents, then petting Tova
before hitting the kids' section of the festival.
More sweet and crunchy artwork from Greek on Cary.

Sunshine had lots to tell Holly about being curious, asking
a lot of questions, how the family dog Scout has passed, etc.