Friday, October 6, 2017

Photos from Our Saturday Date to Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens

A Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) sister of mine gave Kevin and me a card and two passes to Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens for our 13th wedding anniversary.  She suggested we go see the butterfly exhibit.  I’d seen it before, and, of course, had taken photos, but Kevin had never been. 

As always, we thoroughly enjoyed our visit.  It was a beautiful day to be outside.  I took hundreds of photos while we were there, and Kevin talked to one of the gentlemen who works in the butterfly exhibit about the different types of butterflies and moths they have, where they came from, and what animals eat them.

At one point, Kevin had a winged-wonder land on his collar.  He stood as still as possible while it was there.  After hanging out mainly in the greenhouse where the butterfly exhibit and the orchids are kept, we had lunch in the cafĂ©.  We split a slice of their heavenly pumpkin pie with a dollop of whipped cream on it for dessert.