Friday, September 2, 2011

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 14)

Havoc wreaked by Hurricane Irene is still blatantly obvious all over the city.  Enormous trees with roots the length of an SUV have fallen, pulling up sidewalks, destroying cars, damaging houses, and taking down power lines nearby.  Driving has been more dangerous than usual, not only because there are fallen trees, huge branches, sticks everywhere, but also because a very high number of traffic signals aren’t working.  Some have handled the four-way stop when the lights are working procedure better than others.  Many have been without power for days.  Kevin and I were very fortunate in that we lost power for only 12 hours or so from Saturday night to Sunday morning.

Here's a picture of one of the six trees down across from where my grandma lives.  She's in the forefront out examining the damage with my mom.
Everybody cut footloose! After having to wear a large soft boot for numerous weeks this summer so the micro-fractures in my husband’s feet would be given a better chance to feel, the doctor told him Monday that he no longer needs to wear the big black boot.  This is, of course, good news, but while Kevin learns to walk normally on both of his feet again, it may seem rather odd to passersby.  If not purposeful in the steps he takes, Kevin is liable to end up walking around in circles.  My husband doesn’t drink, but at this point in his reclamation, he’d have a hard time walking a straight line as part of a field sobriety test.  Let’s just hope he doesn’t get caught by some security guard watching him weave in and out of cars in the parking lot at work.   
Lose the attitude.  I made the following comment after reading Matthew Archbold’s recent blog post “You Can Never Afford Them” about children, sarcasm, and God’s grace:  As another person who has quite a bit of experience being a smart aleck, I commend you for accepting God's grace to hold your tongue when Mr. Collar was so clearly asking for a fight or intellectual discourse with a rather sarcastic tone.  It's so true that we don't know what people are thinking and going through beneath the surface, especially if we are so quick with the quips that we never give them a chance to open up and speak what's really on their hearts and minds.”
What songs are stuck in your head?  I like to listen to a variety of different music.  A question my husband posed to me the other day got me thinking about some of what I listen to these days and in years past.  He asked, “Would God approve of all of the music you dance to?”  My honest answer would have to be no.  Some of it, I’m fairly certain He’s not happy with.  I don’t think God approves of any music that is degrading to women, advocates using drugs, extreme violence, promotes a culture of death, is self-centered and sin-based, so some of the popular songs that have a good dance beat would not be God-sanctioned.  

Sometimes I’m really horrified by the lyrics that pop into my head from songs I’ve heard recently or those that I listened to over and over again in my youth.  Embarrassing as it is, I can still recite lyrics from a whole lot of songs that are devoted to nothing other than the seductive qualities of a woman’s backside.  What does this mean?  I’ve still got a long ways to go when it comes to sanctification and holiness.  There are more and more ways that I am being called to select music, TV shows, movies, books, etc. which glorify God and/or at the very least don’t undermine human dignity.  Whomp, there it is!
Walk it out.  A friend of mine from Cursillo, Lynn DiChristina has set a goal of getting ten people to walk with her to support the National Alliance on Mental Illness.  As the NAMI Walks website explains: “In 2011, thousands of concerned citizens in over 80 communities across the nation will walk together to raise money and awareness about our country's need for a world-class treatment and recovery system for people with mental illness.”  To find a NAMI Walk in your area, click here. 

If you live in the Virginia area, please click this link and prayerfully consider signing up to walk with the Helpful Hearts team led by Lynn and her family on Saturday, October 8, 2011.  

Gimme a break!  I’m very grateful that the Lord is gentle, patient, and kind to all of us.  Goodness knows, I need a break from me, at times, but I’m glad He doesn’t take one.  I can be so flipping self-centered.  I argue with Him about things that He’d prefer I just accept with gratitude rather than tell Him what He already knows, that I don’t deserve the blessings, love, and mercy extended to me.  I get more worked up over things that in the big picture, and definitely in the realm of eternity, are really quite insignificant than I do some aspects of life and examples of injustice that should make my blood boil.  I poke, prod, beg, plead, complain, and whine about suffering, much of which is caused by my own pride and sinfulness.  Lord, thanks for loving me unconditionally especially when everyone around, including me, can see all the reasons why your limitless love and boundless mercy shouldn’t apply to me.       
Rummage Sale: All proceeds benefit parish in Haiti!   Clean out your closets and unclutter your living space.  Donations are needed of gently used items to sell: toys, housewares, vases, knickknacks, books, clothing, linens, sporting goods, baby items…etc. 

Please drop off donated items at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church on Thursday September 8 from noon-8:00pm and Friday September 9 from 9:00am-3:00pm.

Saturday, September 10 come back from 7:00am-12:00pm noon to get great buys on a wide variety of items!

Check out Jennifer Fulwiler’s 7 Quick Takes Friday series and her award-winning blog Conversion Diary.