Friday, September 16, 2011

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 16)


All Mainstream Media Writers Need to Know about Covering the Catholic Church: I’ve found two articles: How to Report on the Catholic Church and the other The Anti-Catholics Guide to Catholic Comboxes that cover the fundamentals that new writers, journalists, and bloggers in the mainstream media will ever need to know to move up in the world of unfounded, who-needs-the-facts reporting on the Roman Catholic Church.  Perhaps these two pieces could be combined in a quick reference desktop format. 

These pieces are as wickedly funny as they are disturbingly true.  Guys, thanks for keeping us laughing while keeping it real!


Running commentary: As those who know me are already aware, I absolutely love spending time with little ones.  Last Sunday, I had the opportunity to take care of one of my favorite little people while her parents went to Mass (Kevin and I had gone to another one).  I took Vivi outside to walk around and play behind our church.  It wasn’t long before I went into “running commentary” mode where, for purposes of learning and language acquisition, I describe everything around us and all the things we’re doing as we go.

I did this so often on walks with “my little guys” that they got to the point when they’d know what was coming next and tell me: fire station, library, church with bells that ring and at noon and 6pm play two songs…  I’m glad to know I haven’t lost this valuable time-with-toddlers instinct from my days as a nanny.  Apparently my “running commentary” switch still works.

The Power of the Sacraments:  Last Saturday evening, Kevin and I were reminded in a moving way of the power of the sacraments.  We went to Mass to support a friend who was coming into the Catholic Church.  We’d met Andrea (Andi), his fiancée, and knew her only a little better than Stephen.  We had no idea which Sacrament(s) of Initiation Stephen would be receiving.  We weren’t sure if family members and friends were coming from out of town to support him.  Truth be told, his roommate John didn’t even know the who or what, just the when and where for the event, but I guess that’s not a shocker since guys don’t tend to deal too much with details...

...It was beautiful to see the joy and anticipation on Stephen’s and Andi’s faces.  Seeing the two of them together on such a special day reminded me how incredible it felt when Kevin first started coming to Mass with me because he wanted to be there, participate in the Sacraments, and live what he learned.  Faith has been very important to Andi, and I was really excited for her as well, because I know how significant it is to have the love of your life open his heart to the Lord.  To read about the wonderful evening, click here.

She’s movin’ out and up: Last week, I helped my youngest sister pack and load up for her move to Ohio for her sophomore year at The Ohio State University.  I was trying to find the piece I’d begun writing on the experience, but then I remembered I’d saved it on my mom’s computer since ours was still in the shop.  It’s probably just as well, for now, since it was not the smoothest move out of the mother nest, though it definitely can’t beat our worst family move ever.    


Word to You Mothers:  All will be well.  If this isn’t the perfect description of motherhood, I don’t know what is.  My comment to the tired mommy: Actually, the doing your best but dead tired and desperately in need of the Lord’s mercy and forgiveness pretty much sums up the exhausted but got to keep going point for any vocation that is so very demanding in mind, body, and spirit.  The gift in all of this is that you are aware of the Lord’s love, His many blessings, and you treasure the precious moments with your children, can laugh at some of the inconveniences, and draw closer to the Our merciful Father in the midst of the storm… 


Recording Equipment On: We had quite a few mishaps when my youngest sister, who is 11 years younger than I am, would repeat and/or mess up something one of us had said and announce it to family, friends, guests, etc. at the most inopportune times.  Some of the mix-ups were just plain hilarious. 

Once my cousin had been telling us a story about how she'd been visiting UC Berkeley and had seen two women walking around holding hands wearing nothing but tie-dyed socks.  She added that she didn't think the two of them had ever seen a razor.  Most of this went right over my young sister's head.  Later when sister was retelling the story to someone and I heard her say that the two women looked liked they'd never seen a raisin.  Then she added, "I don't know how she could tell that, though."


Out of the Convent: As you know, I’m super-excited about this weekend because my favorite Catholic singer is coming to town!  I never thought I’d get to see Danielle Rose perform live (as she was in a cloistered convent for two years before discerning God wanted her to come out and continue her ministry as a music missionary).  Danielle Rose is coming to our church to do two free concerts this weekend.  If you’re in the area, join us!  Unable to make it to these awesome events, check out her website to read more about her education, vocation, amazing music, and her ongoing discernment.  Also take a look at the organization China Little Flower to whom she’s donating the proceeds from her fall concerts.  

Head over to Conversion Diary, to read Jen Fulwiler's wonderful tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday.