Friday, January 27, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 35)


I love my mom! This is one of the many gazillion reasons I’m grateful for her example as a strong Catholic woman of faith!  Here she is wearing a bright yellow poncho, holding a red umbrella while smiling, praying, and taking a stand at the 39th Annual March for Life.    

No young women there?! It has been a mainstream media tradition to disregard the fact that hundreds of thousands of people come together to stand up for life.  The past two years, I remember reading some particularly ridiculous commentary on the lack of young women at the March for Life best summed up here.  The journalists must never have been to a March for Life.  If by no young women there, they meant that there weren’t any women between the ages of 40-70, they’d be completely wrong.  If by “young women,” they were referring to women in their 30s, wrong again.  If they meant, college age women aren’t represented, they’d be sorely mistaken. (Check out this video.)  If “young women” refers to early teens and young girls, then that argument doesn’t hold water, either. 

Are you offering God everything?  Check out this short video, a very powerful reminder given by Kimberly Hahn and shared by Jennifer Fulwiler (host of 7 Quick Takes) that everyone and everything in our lives belongs to God and is to be used for His glory. 

Live out your faith at work: Faith at Work: Finding Purpose Beyond the Paycheck is an in-depth look at how and why we can and should strive to live out our Christian values in the workplace.  I really enjoyed this book.  The personal stories, the concrete ideas and suggestions at the end of each chapter as well as the reflection questions added to the Scripture-based reasoning for making Christ-like behavior and a closer relationship with God and others your two main goals…Read more here         

Hooray for great dads! You’ll love this magnificent post “Some Things Moms Can’t Do” from a hilarious Catholic blogging husband and stay-at-home dad!  My comment at the end was: “What a blessing that your children have a father like you.  Many don't have a good male role model, for a variety of reasons, and everyone benefits from seeing a man who loves the Lord, respects and loves his wife, and adores his children.” 

Prayers all around. This week several people have requested prayers for a variety of reasons.  Kevin and I are praying some extra ones for those who are suffering in mind, body, and/or spirit as well as for all who love and care for them.  Perfect Physician, Wonderful Counselor, Holy Comforter, draw us closer to You, Lord.

Head over to Conversion Diary, to read Jen Fulwiler's wonderful tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday.