Friday, September 7, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 66)


Our Eighth Anniversary Kevin and I celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary. Wow! We've never been your typical couple, so of course our evening isn't likely to resemble that of other married couples. Read more here... 


See where you rate. Last Sunday, Kevin was helping Carl and Jess get the girls out of the car and into a side door for Mass during a torrential downpour.  Kevin opened the van door, and Vivi greeted him with: “Hi Kevin! We're gonna see Trisha!”

This Nanny’s New Groove Speaking of anniversaries, this is my eighth anniversary of being a nanny.  One week after Kevin and I got married, I began nannying for “my little guys,” and eight years later I begin my new schedule nannying three days a week for three adorable little girls (Vivi who’s 2.5 and her twin sisters Livia and Sophia who are 3 mos. old) on our eighth wedding anniversary.  I’ve helped take care of Vivi since she was a baby, and now I get to love on her and her sisters.     


Haiti Rummage Sale On September 8, from 7:00 am - 12 noon, St. Michael Church will hold its annual rummage sale to benefit the Haiti Ministry. Donations for the sale will be accepted today Friday, Sept. 7, 2012, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

Vocational discernment. This week actually has one more anniversary of sorts: the first heart-to-heart with our beloved brother John Baab over his vocational discernment took place three years ago the Saturday of the Haiti Rummage sale.  Where is he now?  At St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore, Maryland.  God’s timing often isn’t our timing, but it’s definitely the best timing!      

“What does God want of us?” Kevin and I have been doing some discernment of our own, and I’ve done a four part series on our questions and prayers asking what the Lord wants of us.  To read it: click here.
Oh my goodness!  This past Monday my youngest sister had as part of her Facebook status update: That awkward moment when you are on a peaceful bike ride along the river and you pass a man wearing NOTHING but his sunglasses and his tennis shoes. WHY?!?!”  I had to laugh because it made me think of a similar story our cousin had told us many years ago about visiting the Berkeley campus and seeing two girls walking around holding hands and wearing nothing but socks, and as she put it "they looked as if they’d never seen a razor."  At the time we heard this, my sister was about six or seven, so it didn’t dawn on her that the two people in the story were naked except for their footwear and neither of them had shaved.  Later that afternoon when my young sister was retelling the story to someone else, she got the part right about them only wearing socks, but then she said, “and they looked like they’d never seen a raisin.”  Then after a brief moment, she added, “But I don’t know how she could tell.”  :)

Head over to Conversion Diary, to read Jen Fulwiler's wonderful tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday.