Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Not Your Typical Wedding Anniversary

     Yesterday, Kevin and I celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary. Wow! We've never been your typical couple, so of course our evening isn't likely to resemble that of other married couples. After work, we met at St. Benedict's for Mass. I felt another wave of awe over all that God's done in our lives—that He brought us together and has kept us together as best friends and a couple for the past fourteen years, the last eight of which we’ve been married. 
     Kevin was eager to hear about my day nannying for the Baab girls.  How fitting that my first day on the new schedule for taking care of them happens to be our eighth anniversary.  It was one week after we got married that I began nannying for “my little guys.”  Hank and Jack definitely became part of our family and among the many children we would welcome into our lives.  The Lord has again blessed us with beautiful children to love, care for, about and pray for.  This time we’re also considered part of their family and we get to be Godparents for two of them.
     After daily Mass, we came home and Kevin made a simple supper of rice and veggies for the two of us which we ate while watching (as was my husband’s suggestion) Episode 5 of Catholicism, the DVD series by Rev. Robert Barron produced by Word on Fire.  We’ve both been really impressed by the series, and it was further testimony to God’s working miracles that in addition to the man who once argued with me about not needing to go to church because “God’s everywhere so we can pray anywhere” was eager to meet for Mass and recommended we watch the next DVD in the series.  I can’t tell you how incredibly loveable (and alluring) it is to be married to my best friend who now has a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and who is open to growing in faith!  God rocks!
     We reminisced about our many years together as friends, then a couple.  We reconnected on a number of levels and had several reminders of the miracles God’s worked in our lives.  I got a renewed sense that Kevin and I are supposed to share our story, that I need to schedule time to work on the spiritual memoir, because now is the time to glorify God with the gifts He’s given us. 
     Lord, thank You for bringing the two of us together, for continuing to draw the two of us into a more intimate relationship with You and with one another, so that we may glorify You through the gift, the covenant, the Sacrament of our marriage.  Amen.