Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Catholic, Reluctantly: John Paul 2 High Book 1

I enjoyed this Young Adult (YA) novel for a number of reasons, not the least of which it inspires me with excellent examples and encouragement to continue working on my own manuscript of one.  The characters in Catholic, Reluctantly: John Paul 2 High Book 1 are interesting and complex.  The high school drama, personality clashes, conflicts, cruelty, and questions are appropriate for the age/grade levels discussed, the circumstances described, and what’s at stake.   There’s a sufficient amount of suspense and surprise to keep the reader intrigued throughout. 
Of the John Paul 2 High characters, some actually try to live out their Catholic faith while others are Catholic in name only.  The different personalities and varying levels of understanding the Catholic faith intellectually and spiritually create a considerable amount of tension and challenge those involved to figure out where they stand and why.  The highly controversial struggle over whether it’s most important to keep the letter of the law and/or to live by the spirit of the law comes out in a slew of tricky circumstances.         
Many of the facts and stereotypes about the Catholic faith, its followers, Catholic schools and other institutions, traditional practices, and prayers are covered in thought-provoking ways.  The subject of seeking Truth in all circumstances and letting it be the guide is one that’s explored in-depth. 
Some of the situations are quite hilarious and others very ominous and foreboding, giving the novel a good blend of the humorous and harrowing.  There are many big questions left unanswered by the end of the first book, definitely leaving room for more to come.  I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the series.  For more information on the author and other books in the series and other interesting extras, check out this website for the John Paul 2 High series.
This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Catholic,Reluctantly: John Paul 2 High Book 1. The Catholic Company is the best resource for all your family Advent activities and supplies this year, such as Advent wreaths and calendars for kids, as well as Christmas decorations such as nativity scene sets and religious Christmas gifts for the whole family.
This post is linked to the Catholic Bloggers Monthly Round-up.