Monday, November 26, 2012

Unstoppable: The Incredible Power of Faith in Action

I was fully expecting to like this book since Nick Vujicic’s first book Life Without Limits is so inspiring and his videos on Youtube are quite moving.  In some ways, Unstoppable threw me for a loop, brought painful subjects to the surface, and underlined the necessity of focusing on God above all-else.  Nick keeps it real, and that’s what I admire most about who he is and what he has to say. 
Some authors, preachers, motivational speakers, and Christians strike me as being rather fake.  I’m always suspect of people who project an image that says they’re above suffering, hardship, or pain in life.  I don’t buy the life is perfect, always happy, filled with wealth, health, and kindness for those who love God and spread the Gospel.  I appreciate and can identify much better with people who know they aren’t perfect now—nor have they ever been—than I can those individuals who claim to have unwavering faith and a life without strife. 
Nick Vujicic is most inspiring to me because he’s honest that he still has doubts and fears, periods when he’s unsure of himself and not as confident in God’s plan for him as he wants to be and has been at other times.  In Unstoppable, Nick talks about a difficult bout of depression he struggled with recently and how God brought him through it. 
This international best-selling author has hit another homerun with his second book (and that’s pretty impressive for a man born without arms or legs).  Unstoppable includes a number of true stories about ordinary people who put their lives in God’s hands and are thereby led to do extraordinary things which glorify Him.  All have faced tremendous challenges in mind, body, and/or spirit, but in each case the Lord’s love shines through. 
How can someone born without arms and legs who has experienced bullying, spoken with families whose child has committed suicide, visited the poorest slums in the world, shared his story with victims of the sex trade, and spent time among orphans living in some of the most horrible conditions possibly be a source of hope for others?  Only by centering on Jesus Christ.  Focusing on anyone or anything other than God Himself leads to despair, disillusionment, and deception. 
If we rely on ourselves, sooner or later, we’re going to fall flat on our faces whether we have arms and legs to help us get back up or not.  If we rely mostly on others, we will be disappointed and discouraged when they fall short of our expectations.
When we put our trust and hope in the Lord as Nick does, we will ultimately triumph over every adversity we face.  As Nick reiterates again and again, when we’re united with God, nothing is impossible.  No matter how far we’ve strayed or how broken we’ve become, Christ is waiting with open arms to welcome us back into the comfort of His love.
I received Unstoppable for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.  To purchase your own copy of Unstoppable, click here.  To learn about how you can receive free books from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group, check out their Blogging for Books program here.