Lucky for Laughter Me: “I have a leprechaun
in my pocket. A girl at school colored
it in, cut it out and gave it to me.” A
little later, after his third failed attempt to toss something into the recycling,
Kevin says: “I didn’t have anybody give me a leprechaun today, so I’m fresh
outta luck.” Lord, thank You for my
husband and his sense of humor!
Thank Heavens for Sisters in Christ Was just going
through all of my Christ Renews His Parish photos. Everything from retreat planning meetings, Halloween and Christmas parties, book studies, and prayer sessions to being there for community outreach projects. Wow! It's hard to believe that I first met this amazing group of women back in February 2010. We've had some really
fun times CRHP sistas! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again very soon. One of our sisters who had a little baby girl in December will be coming to this gathering. I'm looking forward to meeting her for the first time and taking part in a send-off party for her mom.
Tell-tale Poop I have learned many things over my twenty plus years of taking care of children. One of those things is that the proof is in the poop. When little ones aren't able to mash up their food due to lack of teeth or additional need for chewing practice once teeth have come in, the things they are unable to mash on their own and therefore can't digest (or get nutritional value from) end up basically whole in their diapers. Seemingly small finger foods easy to make and grab can be deceptively enticing, though not the best of ideas. Peas, corn, peppers, pretty much any veggies with skin on them, need to be pureed or mashed, otherwise, they go in one end and come undigested out the other. Blueberries are another one, and of course grapes. The other drawback to finger foods with skin they can't chew through is that they make for really messy poopy diapers and a higher chance of diaper rash.
Good rule of tongue: if you can't mash it or mush it up with your tongue and the roof of your mouth, then your little one isn't likely to be able to mash it with anywhere from 2-4 teeth enough to digest it.
Give Me a Beat Vivi, Livie, and Sophie absolutely love music. Singing, dancing, playing instruments (actual or make-shift) are high on their list of favorites. Since I really like the music from Step Up 4, I've been playing the final mob dance scene on Youtube so we can dance to it. I pull up a blank screen so they aren't watching the video (which certainly isn't meant for kids), but it's been fun to see how they dance and move to different beats and how they respond to me doing various types of dance. Vivi's had lots of fun with the baby cello Holly gave me to pass along to her.
Fringe Benefits It never ceases to amaze me how much the things we use daily can quickly become a source of joy, fascination, and no small amount of giggling for small children and those taking care of them. The girls love one of the blankets in the living room. It's one of those you can make fairly easily by cutting one inch strips of material and knotting two panels together. Vivi is always inviting everyone to "go hiding" with her. Regardless of what else has been going on, playing with the blanket usually gets everyone in a better mood.
Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary.