Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Triduum Observation

It’s hard to believe that it was thirteen years ago this week that my then boyfriend/now husband returned to the faith in which he was raised and began participating fully in the sacraments of the Catholic Church.
Kevin and I are looking forward to celebrating the Easter Triduum together, which begins this evening on Holy Thursday, and includes Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday, the eve of Easter Sunday.  Check out this quick video on the whole affair:

The Potters Unplugged
Since the Triduum is treated as one seamless service, after the Holy Thursday Mass this evening, I will be abstaining from e-mail, Facebook, blogging, watching TV, listening to music…in order to concentrate on the Lord Jesus Christ’s last days, His Passion, death, and Resurrection. (I'm hoping my beloved spouse will embark on this same fast with me, but he hasn't committed to it just yet.)

After Mass at our parish this evening, there will be time for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.  Tomorrow, we fast, pray, and wait for the Lord.  I plan to attend Stations of the Cross at noon, then Kevin and I will attend the Good Friday service for Veneration of the Cross.  We will pray, wait, fast, and listen on Holy Saturday, then we’ll take part in the joyous celebration of the Easter Vigil.

I have scheduled a few blog entries to post automatically while I’m observing the three holiest days in the Church year. 
I hope you and your loved ones enjoy a most blessed Triduum and have a Glorious Easter!