Friday, March 29, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 95)


The Easter Triduum: By the time you read this, we will have started the three holiest days in the Catholic Church: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil.   

Proof of Miracles in Our Lives This is a very special time in the Church year when we reflect on Christ's Passion, death, and Resurrection. It is also a treasured time of memories for Kevin and me as we have journeyed together to grow closer to the Lord and one another. 


Stay with me, remain here with me This week I've made sure to pray some extra prayers for all parents and caregivers who are deprived of sleep due to caring for loved ones of any age.  There are times when we would like nothing more than to go to sleep, but a more pressing need it at hand.  While taking care of others especially when it means going without much sleep, consider that you are keeping Christ company in the Garden of Gethsemane watching, praying, and staying with Him. Lord, be close to these loving people and take care of them as they take care of others. Amen. 


40 Days for Life  It's still hard to believe it was snowing on Palm Sunday in Richmond, Virginia! We are continuing to pray for all around the world and in our town who are celebrating the wrap-up of another successful 40 Days for Life campaign. There were 601 children whose lives were spared (and whose parents were spared) from the tragedy of abortion, and those are just the ones we know about thus far. God is good!

Christ Renews His Parish & Sisters Last Saturday evening, one of my CRHP sisters hosted a going away party for another member of our group who is returning to her home in Eastern Europe with her adorable baby daughter.  As is often the case when we gather, there was lots of talking, laughing, sharing, plenty of good food to eat, lots of hugs, more laughing, more food, and some tears in there, too.  We will miss our CRHP sister, but we're praying she and her beautiful daughter will soon be rejoicing with family members eagerly awaiting them. 

Prayer Warriors  I felt very honored when one of my spiritual mentors asked me to pray for someone she knows who has been very sick and close to death.  Through the grace of God, this man has taken a turn for the better, so he's no longer in hospice.  God always hears our prayers, but it's such a joy to hear when they've help other be open to the Perfect Physician and Wonderful Counselor.    
Consider it done! One thing we can offer others no matter what is going on in our lives is prayer.  When someone gives me someone to pray for or God places someone on my heart who He knows needs some extra prayer cover, I lift the person and their family up numerous times throughout the day.  I have to smile when my mom asks me to say some extra prayers for her or one of my sisters, since they are the very people who are often on my mind and heart, and therefore several times a day are in my prayers.  Actually, prayer requests are one of the reasons I check Facebook. 

I pray you and your family have a wonderful Triduum and a glorious Easter!
Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary.