Hope in the Lord! There are many times that I’m acutely aware that I'm not who
anyone wants me to be, but I have a glimmer of hope because God loves me even
when all those around me serve only to remind me of how much of a
disappointment I am to them for a myriad of reasons. I do offer that pain up to
the Lord on behalf of all who feel utterly rejected and do not know or believe
in the love of God for every single one of His beloved children.
Beautiful in God’s
Eyes Because I’m someone who tends to see myself in a very critical light, it
can be really painful for me when others (especially those closest to me whose opinions’
I’m more likely to take to heart) convey a steady stream of reasons that I’m
not who they want me to be, that what I say, do, how I

My tendency is to
believe the bad since that’s what predominantly goes through my own thoughts
about myself. Fortunately, there is a
source Truth that never lies. So as
scary as it seems when steeped in disparaging lies, I turn to God and ask how
He sees me when I want the Truth. Do you
have the courage to ask: “God, how do You see me?” And, more importantly, are
you willing to listen in silence and believe what He tells you?
I got back from Ohio
with Mom on Monday evening. It's been wonderful to spend time with Kevin, who
knows me well and loves me lots. It's also nice to be home and be back together
sleeping in our own bed. To which Kevin says: “Yeah buddy!”
Body Image Spending
time around beautiful women who are in really great shape, always wearing
fashionable clothes, make-up and jewelry can be intimidating and discouraging
for me at times. I’m no longer able to
fit into the single digit sizes I wore in my twenties nor have I have really
been in tip-top physical condition at any point. (My approach to appearance most of the time
these days is probably best summed up in my post Fashion Faux Pas.) Seeing and
hearing other women criticizing their bodies is very difficult for me, though, because
it is far easier for me to see the genuine beauty in other people than it is to
see it in myself. The grace and trouble
about that is no matter what I say or think, it’s unlikely to affect on the
deepest levels how someone else sees or feels about herself. If you’re not quite ready or willing to ask
how God sees you, at least watch this video clip to see how it is that women
usually view themselves.
Adorable! There are numerous times
during the day when Vivi will say that she’s beautiful or that her lips or
fingers…are beautiful. I always confirm
that fact and say to her: “You are beautiful!”
Silently, I pray that she will hold onto that truth for many years to
come. I hope that’s the statement she
will always return to when she looks in the mirror and stares back at her
reflection. Who do you recognize in your
own family as undeniably adorable, beautiful, gorgeous? Have you told them recently? How about ever? How about now?
Best Books on True Beauty Here are some of the most amazing books (and their
authors) I’ve read in recent years that deal with the topics of beauty, body
image, seeing ourselves in God’s image.
Comfort for
the Heartbroken This week I have been and will continue praying for all who
are mourning the loss of loved ones, that they may feel the hope of the Lord,
allow His love to wash over them, and move in and through them as they grieve
and hang on while God, in His time and in His way, turns their tears into dancing,
their profound sorrow into a lasting joy.
Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7
Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary, This week we’re
meeting up over at Camp Patton since
Jen and their newborn baby are just getting home and settled in.