Happy 70th Birthday! Kevin and I had a blast celebrating Dick Commander's 70th
birthday this past Saturday evening. He and Jeannine throw a great party! It was
wonderful to see and have a chance to catch up with so many members of our
Cursillo family!
It Takes a Village Kevin and I love the girls
for whom I nanny as well as their parents very dearly. It is such a tremendous
blessing to work with and for Carl & Jess, who work so hard even
after long days at their jobs to do what's necessary to keep their precious
daughters safe and healthy. Lord, thank You for the gift this family continues
to be in our lives. Help us to be open to the ways You want us to serve them.
A Broadway Style Fair
Trade I take full responsibility for the 3 year old who was running sprints
inside the house not too long before her nap/rest time the other day while singing the two lines she recalls from a Singin’ in the Rain number I played for her sisters and her a few times on Youtube: “Good Morning” and “It’s great to stay up late!” I texted her mother to tell her about this
and added that I hoped she didn’t adopt that philosophy until she was a bit
older. Her mom said she’s fine with her daughter staying up late as long as
mommy gets to sleep late.
Too Tired to Text Wednesday evening I was having trouble texting as is evident in the
following excerpt of a conversation I was attempting to have:
Me: “School Mass foes sound
fun…” (realizing my mistake added)
Me: “School Mass foes sound
diabolical, not fun. Another long, draining day that has left me unable to text
or talk intelligibly.”
Friend: “LOL! Diabolical??
500+ kids all singing and praising the Lord and receiving him. So much fun!”
Friend: “What are you doing
this evening?”
Me: “I need to work on the
Rooster Review (the Cursillo newsletter for our area), but since I can barely
manage to text at this point, maybe that’s not a good idea for this
Friend: “Maybe not J”
Friend: “Now I understand
your precious texts”
Me: “R my texts
precious? I’m guessing you meant
previous but r still using autocorrect-which couldn’t even help me now”
Friend: “LOL”
Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of
7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary.