Thursday, April 24, 2014

What Is Divine Mercy Sunday?

Did you know Divine Mercy Sunday is April 27, 2014?  It's always observed the Sunday after Easter, though many of the faithful don't know about this powerful prayer and important message from the Lord.      Click here to see a 15-minute video explanation of how to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday here.
There are a number of beautiful ways to celebrate the Lord’s Divine Mercy and the messages of mercy given to the world, especially through Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska. I encourage you to read up on this feast day and find a church in your area that actually celebrates it. I love The Chaplet of Divine Mercy prayers.   This sung version is one of my absolute favorites! It's a very powerful prayer to sing with others. 
We've used it on Cursillo and Christ Renews His Parish retreats with great success!  Some have said it was the most powerful part of the weekend for them. 
Click here to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy on your computer.
Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and the Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly Beloved Son in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world...For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world."  "Jesus I trust in You!" - excerpts from the Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Please keep the team and candidates of the 465th Cursillo weekend taking place from April 24-27, 2014.  We are celebrating our theme which is based on the message of Divine Mercy and we will be sharing the Chaplet of Divine Mercy as part of the weekend.