Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Things Are Not Always As They Seem and God Loves Me for Being Me

Things Aren’t Always As They Seem

On a Monday in March, I went to church to pray the Rosary before a statue of Our Lady of Fatima which was going to be at our parish for a few hours.  This was definitely one of the most beautiful statues of Our Lady that I have ever seen in person.   I’m very grateful that one of my Christ Renews His Parish sisters let us know the statue would be in our day chapel for a limited time only.  I stayed to pray the Rosary with the small group that had gathered, then I picked up my purse and rushed out the door.  I’m sure my behavior seemed suspect and possibly even scandalous to some. 

They were going to have Mass in the day chapel in a little less than half an hour, and I was running out the door.  I was the only one who knew that my intention was to make it to Mass at the Pastoral Center, which begins 15 minutes sooner and would be finished in enough time that I wouldn’t be late for work. 

I did make it to Mass, and I felt the whole day went better after having that solid block of prayer time.  I am always better off and generally more loving and peaceful when I make time for prayer, spiritual reading, and writing. 

Use It or Lose It

A dear friend who needed to finish rehearsal dinner invitations and send them out last month asked for my help with computer stuff. She is very honest and upfront about being technologically impaired.  I spent most of my evening into the night designing different invites for her to choose from.  I’m very comfortable using computers for writing, design, layout, all of it, so I just told her I’d take care of it. 

It has been nice to remember that I have some gifts that others benefit from and even appreciate.  Prayer comes naturally to me.  I thoroughly enjoy reading, writing, and promoting good books, all of which I have many opportunities to do.  I can design an invitation on a computer.  I can come mid-Monday morning to pray the Rosary with some of my Christ Renews His Parish sisters and slip over to Mass at the Pastoral Center. 

God Loves Me for Being Me?!

Even when it seems like there are so many aspects of my life that aren’t going right or aren’t what they “should” be or how I’d like them to be, I can still listen, offer love, prayers, and the skills I have in taking care of kids, writing, formatting, editing, coming up with fun art projects, photography, encouraging parents as well as design/layout work to help others.  

There are people who love and want to spend time with me, who miss me when I’m not around.  It’s good to be loved and have many ways to show your love to others.