Thursday, November 24, 2016

21 Days of Thankfulness: My Photographic Attitude of Gratitude Project (Day 21) Men of Faith

My dad and his brothers (Rich, Bob, Dave, and my dad-Jim) have
definitely had a huge impact on the faith formation of the Niermeyer family.

Day 21: Men of Faith

It would be difficult to name all of the men who have had a significant influence on my faith over the years.  Certainly, family members and close friends have greatly shaped my appreciation for what really matters in this life.  I would include several priests, deacons, and seminarians among those who have helped Kevin and I grow in our love and understanding of the Catholic faith.  We've been blessed beyond measure to have so many men of faith to inspire, instruct, and mentor us.  

Mary Kate and Rick Vivacqua (aka Stitch, my Godfather) have
been part of our family for years.  I know Stitch's prayers and
friendship with my dad ever since they went to St. John Fisher
College together helped my dad get through some really tough times
without giving up hope or faith in God.

They say to choose your friends wisely, for you become what
they are.  Laura, Jeff, and John have been with us through some
tough times as well as some really joyful ones.  We lift one
another up with our prayers and encouragement.
Dick and his lovely wife Jeannine have
been wonderful spiritual companions,
parental figures, and two of our dearest friends ever
since we met them in 2006 through Cursillo.
The Baabs "adopting" us into their clan have given Kevin and
me a father figure and four brothers to pray for and with.
Monsignor Chester P. Michael is someone Kevin and I got to
know through the two-year course in spiritual direction
this priest developed for laity and shared
with many members of our diocese and Cursillo family.

Dr. Ed Smith, (creator of Transformation Prayer Ministry),
his son Jonathan, and the amazing crew at New Creation Community in Chesapeake
have inspired me a great deal over the past six years.
Fr. Brian Capuano blessed the office as well as the Crucifix and Cross
that hang on the wall at the recently-opened Dignitas Health
Dr. Jill Zackrisson (pictured to Father's right)
has opened her new primary care practice.