Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A Lovely Luncheon with My Christ Renews His Parish Sisters

  Top row: Christine, Gina, Susan, Kami
Bottom row: Nancy Colette, Eileen, Me
For weeks I'd been looking forward to the gathering held on Saturday.  One of the women I'd made my Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) weekend with back in February 2009 invited all of us over to her house for a potluck lunch. Due to my previous health issues and the fact that Kevin and I have been roaming Catholics lately, I hadn't seen or gotten a chance to have a conversation with most of the ladies in our group for several months.

I'd received some prayer requests and the occasional update via e-mail, but that's not the same as sharing a meal or catching up over a cup of tea.

Though there is often a plan for our get-togethers, (a book study, a video to watch, a carefully-planned retreat), our hostess correctly assumed we'd most like a chance to find out what's going on in each other's lives since it had been so long in between gatherings in recent months.

After some one-on-one conversations and smaller groups convening in the kitchen, we all moved to the dining room table with our platefuls of food.  We discussed current local and world events, then we made our way around the table hearing an update from each person about how she and her family are doing.

We rejoiced in hearing the good news and promised to pray for those who are still in the midst of some difficult situations.  Those who could not join us that day were in our thoughts and prayers.  It was wonderful to receive so many hugs in such a short period of time.  That alone would have made the time special.

We all left feeling spiritually refreshed and that our friendships had been rekindled.  There was more than one person who expressed a desire to meet again soon.  Mention of a fall retreat at a certain special spot was made.

 My Prayer: Lord, thank You for this loving group of women who encourage me to grow closer to You. Amen.