Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Feeding Your Family's Soul DVD by Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle

Back to school means back to schedules, homework, quicker mealtimes, and often less family time.  The Feeding Your Family’s Soul DVD will help give you some great ideas for how to make mealtime the ideal time for sharing the Catholic faith with your children while enriching your own prayer life.  

I know some parents who take their children to Mass every weekend, say prayers together with them every night as well as grace before meals.  Establishing these practices early on teaches children to think about God and other people while making them feel like an important member of the family. 

Just as Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle includes recipes, lessons, and prayers in her book Feeding Your Family’s Soul, she gives some additional tips for creative ways to teach kids in elementary school through high school about the Catholic Christian faith, prayer, and how to serve their family, friends, and community. 

It’s so easy to get stuck in the same routine when there is so much to fit in each day.  These short episodes provide family-friendly ways to make sharing a meal and spreading the tenets of the faith go together. 

Whether you sit down and watch the DVD with your spouse or you digest one episode at a time and try to implement the suggestions that inspire you, this DVD along with the book will give you a number of meaningful ways to grow closer to Christ.  It's also a phenomenal resource for children's catechists!

Watch the DVD trailer here: