Sunday, December 3, 2017

Advent Week 1: Bring It On

At the beginning of this past week, I wasn’t feeling ready to hear Christmas music or even pull out the Advent decorations, but now I’m more comfortable.  

I’m still enjoying taking photos of leaves changing colors.  The ones that go out in a blaze of glory are my favorites.  The 60-degree weather we’ve been having is fine by me. I took a really long walk this afternoon, with my camera, of course. 

Reflecting upon my life last December, it’s much easier this year for me to get into Advent and the Christmas spirit.  I’m not preparing for major surgery, seeing more doctors and nurses than I could easily keep track of, traveling out-of-state, or feeling terrified of what organs they may remove while I’m under anesthesia. 

Fortunately, things are much different this year.  I’ve been able to go to daily Mass frequently. Though we still have medical and travel expenses to pay off, I’m not nearly as stressed out about our finances.  Kevin has gotten the raise he was promised months ago, and I have consistent hours at work in addition to the opportunity to sub fairly often, if I want to.  We’ve even been in a position to help a family who is really struggling right now due to their own major health challenges.

We get to spend this entire December surrounded by family and friends, taking part in fun activities and participating in the ministries we usually do.  I’ve reconnected with people we know and love through Cursillo, Christ Renews His Parish, Transformation Prayer Ministry and EDGE (middle school religious education), and I have or plan to see each of those groups at least once between  Thanksgiving and Christmas. The disconnect and isolation we felt and experienced last year has disappeared.  

Lord, thank you for bringing about some much-needed healing and change over the past year.  Please help us be open to the ways You wish to work in and through us this Advent and Christmas season.  Prepare us in mind, body, and spirit for the coming of Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.