Thursday, November 10, 2016

21 Days of Thankfulness: My Photographic Attitude of Gratitude Project (Day 7) Loved Ones Who Make Me Laugh-a-Lot

This is my uncle Dave Niermeyer making faces at our rehearsal dinner.
From what I've heard and seen, he was probably the goofiest
of the four Niermeyer brothers and the most likely to get into trouble.  I'm
quite astounded they ever let another Niermeyer on the St. John Fisher
College campus after my uncle Dave went there. 

DAY 7: Loved Ones Who Make Me Laugh-a-Lot

There are a number of people in my life who have made me laugh quite often.  Those pictured here are the ones that stick out right now, but I know there are many more who have helped a fairly serious girl like me loosen up.
This photo taken at our wedding reception September 2004 is of my dad
with his three older brothers: Rich, Bob, Dave, and my dad (James Niermeyer).
The Fab Four were notorious from an early age for their pranks, practical jokes,
and the great lengths they'd go to in order to get a laugh.

Naturally, one of the things that attracted me to Kevin
early on in our relationship was his wonderful sense of humor.
We'd been joking about the possibility of dressing up
as characters from the movie Men in Black, but when
Kevin thought of spray-painting a water gun to make
it look like one of the "flashy things" to erase people's memories
after they'd had an alien encounter, we couldn't resist.
Kevin's sisters and their main men always entertain us with their antics.  Our
visits to Rochester and stays at the cottage are hilariously enhanced by
their ongoing banter, wordplays, and good-natured harassment.

My friend Michele has always been able to make
me smile and often burst out laughing.  She gets herself
into some of the most hysterical situations and has a very
unique way of looking at and interacting with the world.
These fabulous five people have brought a great deal
of joy and laughter into our lives.  Carl, Jess,
and their daughters (three silly sisters for whom I used to nanny)
never cease to amaze and amuse us with their
stories, observations, and interactions.