The day ended up turning out to be
very enjoyable. We found Chris and Cat’s place without too much trouble, but we took a number of wrong turns on the way to the Basilica, so we got there in the middle of the 12:10pm daily Mass in the Crypt Church. We arrived in time to hear the homily, but since we hadn’t gotten there sooner, we couldn’t receive Communion. We each went up in line to receive a blessing from the priest instead.
After Mass, Kevin, John, and I went around to see the different chapels in the Crypt Church built to honor the Blessed Mother and various saints. Many of them had a kneeler or two in front of the statue, figure, or mosaic of Mary along with the details of that particular Marian apparition and a prayer. I knelt at each one to pray the unique prayers inscribed by hand to Our Lady.
Kevin was thoroughly amazed by the Crypt Church and felt inspired to catch as much of it as he could on camera. After praying and looking around for a while, Kevin and I exited its doors and admired the statues of saints nearby.
My dear husband asked what I wanted to do next. I smiled. He didn’t realize the Crypt Church we’d just been through wasn’t the main part of the Basilica. I told him we still had to go upstairs.
We ended up having a delicious lunch at the cafeteria, getting there just minutes before they closed. After briefly perusing the gift shops and window displays, we climbed upstairs to be awed and humbled by the incredible size and beauty of the Basilica.
That afternoon we spent over two hours in the main sanctuary of the Basilica praying, exploring, in Eucharistic Adoration, and the three of us prayed the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary in front of the mosaics in an alcove illustrating each one. We ended up staying so long that we decided to remain for 5:15pm Mass. We sat right in the front row.
Yet again, Kevin and I marveled at how wonderful it is to be able to go anywhere in the world for Mass and know the main elements that will be included as part of the celebration.
That evening we went out to dinner with Cat, Chris, and Matt before driving back home. It was fun catching up with them and sharing a little about our day. John brought a copy of the New Testament for Chris and got Cat a book I recently read, reviewed, and really liked called Dion The Wanderer Talks Truth.
Lord, thank You for the many ways You have given us to express and praise You for Your love, beauty, and mercy. Amen.