Christ is Risen! So often the solemness of Lent is emphasized and acts of penance, prayer, and almsgiving are observed, but then we seem to forget the unbridled joy that Easter brings. I felt bad that I didn't make it to daily Mass more often during the Easter Octave, but fortunately we have even longer to celebrate the Easter season than we did observing the fast of Lent. "The joy of the Lord is our strength!"
A New Wedge Shoe Kevin went back to the doctor this Monday, and after being told that the screw in his foot has moved even more and my have to be removed, he was given another special shoe to wear that puts all the weight on his ankle instead of his toes. He's not happy about having to wear it, but so far we're still very grateful that he's remained infection-free even if he does look a bit challenging, or as we used to say at Hollins, toe-up.
Maternal Instincts Jess (Vivi's mom) and I were working to get Vivi back on a reasonable sleep schedule now that she's sleeping in a toddler bed she can get out of on her own. Without knowing it we both took a similar approach when we monitored her going to bed. We each chose a position that would prevent Vivi from getting out of her bed so she couldn't take things out of the dresser, play in the drapes, put hand sanitizer in her hair...and other fun things she's discovered to do in her room. We did the supernanny approach with a Catholic twist, we used the time waiting for her to fall asleep to pray the Rosary silently. It's quite a blessing taking care of a little one whose mom has maternal instincts that are similar to my own!
He brought roses! I often mention our dearly beloved brother in Christ John. Well, since I've been behind on my writing I hadn't yet posted about a really sweet surprise he had for us when Kevin and I went to the Easter Vigil. John was in the commons holding two bouquets of a dozen roses and a card. He motioned us over on our way outside where the service begins, and presented us each with a beautiful bouquet. I went from feeling down, grumpy, and all-too-aware of the emptiness between Good Friday and Christ's Resurrection to feeling loved, blessed, and cherished.
Don't Let the Pidgeon Drive the Bus Vivi has decided this week that the book written by Mo Willems is one of her favorites. I can't tell you how many times I've read it to her, but she has been asking for it. I've made sure to point out buses and big trucks when we've gone on our frequent field trips, which has only increased her interest.
There's a Wocket in my Pocket! This has been another favorite of Miss Vivi this week. I find it absolutely precious when kids get old enough that they start requesting certain books, even if I end up reading the some one a bazillion times. I know the repetition helps them in so many ways with learning new words, vocabulary, rhymes, and memory, so I'll just point out new things about the book each time through in addition to reading the words,
Rest in Peace A friend got us into the habit of adding "and may the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace." at the end of the prayer each time we say grace. In recent months we have had so many friends lose loved ones that we have a number of people in mind when we add that addendum prayer. Lord, You are close to the brokenhearted. Help us be loving and compassionate with those who are mourning the loss of loved ones. Amen.