H.A.L.T. Who goes there?! I can identify all too well with the negative line of thinking that seems to spiral out of control when I haven't gotten enough sleep. I'm blessed with a husband who reminds me of the blessings we have and what's going well. Prayer time, reading, writing, laughing…often help me get things in perspective, as has trying to implement what I've read about H.A.L.T. When feeling Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired, it's good to stop and address those feelings and take care of those needs, because when we're one or more of those four, we tend to sin or at the very least make less-than-stellar decisions. I've still got a long ways to go in learning this rather than sinking into the negativity, self-loathing abyss, but it seems worth working on.
Ever since I was young…I have enjoyed caring for and being around children. Even when I was only in second grade, I liked holding babies and helping to take care of them. I remember being the one to get the baby up and dressed at our babysitter's house before school. God's always made a special place in my heart for children, and has given me many to love over the years as a sister, cousin, babysitter, nanny, tutor, and teacher.One hundred years from now
It will not matter
What kind of house I lived in,
How much I had in my bank,
Nor what my clothes looked like.
One hundred years from now
What kind of school I attended,
What kind of typewriter I used,
How large or small my church,
But the world may be ...
a little better because...
I was important in the life of a child.
~~ Author Unknown ~~
Is it naptime, yet? One of the things about children that is quite ironic (and there are many) is that most do not want to take a nap. They feel as if they’re missing some great party or some essential playtime if they go to sleep sometime during the day. Without fail, the adults around them would absolutely love to take a midday nap, but they rarely get that chance, especially with little ones who want to talk, play, and run around instead of sail off in the sea of dreams with Wynken, Blyken, and Nod. -4-
Nothing says loving like a homemade lunch. During this week, one of the signs of love I’ve appreciated most from my husband is that he’s been making my lunch. It’s been a rather rough, tiring first week back to the daily grind after being gone for two weeks on vacation, but eating my lunch prepared by my honey, who is not someone who really enjoys making lunches, has been a nice reminder of how much even the little things can mean when done out of love. -5-

A few years back, I read Bill Bryson’s A Walk in the Woods, and found myself laughing so hard I was fighting back tears, so when I saw this book sitting on the shelf at my sister-in-law’s house, I was fairly certain that there’d be passages within that would be so hilarious my stomach would hurt from laughing so much. I must say my assumption was 100% accurate—without any substitutions, exchanges, or refunds.
I read most of I’m a Stranger Here Myself out loud to my husband because laughing together is one of our favorite pastimes. In retrospect, I probably should have saved certain chapters for when he wasn’t driving. (We made it home safely and in relatively good spirits for such a long car trip.)
No more tears. This was the first week ever coming to our school for one of my students, and she was feeling a bit sad and reserved, missing her mommy, as is common for little ones first starting school. I was absolutely thrilled yesterday when she didn’t shed a single tear when dropped off. Yesterday with a huge smile on her face she told me, “I like school!” That’s some of the best news I’ve heard all week. What a transformation from Monday to Friday. I’m so grateful that I was blessed to witness it. Check out Jennifer Fulwiler’s 7 Quick Takes Friday series and her high-traffic for good reason blog Conversion Diary.