Big storms also made my dad very apprehensive, because when the power went off, his oxygen machine would turn off, and he’d be forced to rely on the oxygen tanks he had on hand to get by until the power came back on. The bad thing about the portable tanks, which were supposed to last about four hours often ended up only lasting a couple hours, sometimes less. He was always on edge during storms, and I was, too. The Pirates of the Caribbean flashlight I got him (it was the biggest one left at the store when I went) would only get him so far. With oxygen tanks around and an open vent, candles were out of the question.
Kevin and I have taken the proper precautions by getting water, flashlights, candles, and provisions ready. I have to say that I’m grateful not to have to worry about my dad in this weather.
I’ve been wondering about and praying for all of the people whose medical conditions can be made much worse if they lose power. Lord, please bless all who are suffering in mind, body, and/or spirit. Protect all who are in harm’s way. Be with all those who are in emergency and rescue services as they go to assist others at this time. Amen.