Friday, March 1, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 91)

Still Have Hope “But I always knew that the Lord is in the boat, and I always knew that the boat of the Church is not mine, not ours, but it is His. And He will not let her sink, it is He who leads it, certainly also through the men he has chosen, because so He has willed it. This was and is a certainty, that nothing can obscure. And that is why today my heart is filled with gratitude to God because He has never left me or the Church without His consolation, His light, His love,” the Holy Father said.  To read the full article about Pope Benedict XVI's words and sentiments from a credible source (obviously NOT the mainstream media), click here. 

Past Due Praying for my sister, who could go into labor any minute (her due date was February 26) the baby we'll soon get to see and hold, and my brother-in-law that all will go smoothly for the birth whenever it happens and that peace and joy will radiate in ways only God could bring about for all three of them.  Pray for my mom as well.  It's killing her to have to wait even longer to hold her first grandchild than she thought.  
Vivi Turns Three: Sunday we celebrated Vivi’s third birthday.  “Princess Vivi” as she often calls herself had a lovely Minnie Mouse party with family (and those adopted as such Kevin and me).  Her mom helped her practice blowing out candles so she’d be ready for her big day.  Just as impressive was getting to see Vivi actually eat some of the cake (since she usually won’t touch it, too much like bread, which she has no interest in at all).    

Birthday Balloon Hands-down one of Vivi’s favorite gifts that has continued to bring her great joy is the birthday Minnie Mouse helium balloon her mom brought home for her last Friday.  She was immediately smitten with it, and she and her sisters have had lots of fun with it ever since.  (Yes, I know balloons are major choking hazards and strings are strangling hazards.  Vivi’s not interested in eating the balloon, and I only let her sisters play with it when I’m sitting with them, watching them like a hawk.) 

Team Treasure Chest Another of Vivi’s new prized possessions is a Minnie Mouse treasure chest which she refers to as her “Team Treasure Chest,” because she is an avid fan of Jake and the Neverland Pirates (a cartoon spin-off of Peter Pan that involves Captain Hook which I’ve never seen, but I’ve heard much about and read some of the children’s books).  She loves dragging it around the room, sitting on it, and putting her other new toys in it, then locking it so her sisters can’t get to them.  I’m just happy she hasn’t tried (at least while I’m watching) to stuff one of her sisters in it and lock it.  Though, with how adept Livie is at getting into things and out of other things, she’d probably bust out rather quickly.  Sophie we’d discover quickly from the piercing screeches issuing forth from the box.     

No Whining There was one day in particular this week during which the tone of voice in which every word that came out of a certain someone’s mouth was to my sensitive ears like fingernails on a chalkboard, the drill at the dentist’s office, or a young, unhappy child who needs more to eat or more sleep or something but can’t tell you what it is she wants/needs only the 5,243 things she doesn’t want in a voice that makes you want to scream, but you know that won’t help, either.  I knew Kevin had a long day at work and was worn down by negativity.  He was being very quiet knowing I, too, had a long day.  I informed him after a few minutes of needed silence that I was ready to listen if he wanted to tell me about his day, even if he wanted to complain, as long as he did it in a normal voice.    
Skyfall Great James Bond Flick!  One of the fringe benefits of nannying for the girls is that their parents have one of the largest modern movie collections of anyone I know.  While I only on rare occasions watch a DVD with the girls (and then it’s usually a Broadway musical or Disney classic) I get to borrow movies Kevin and I didn’t see in the theater, can’t afford to purchase, and otherwise may not get around to viewing until they are being shown on TV years after the fact.  Kevin and I both loved watching Skyfall, the latest Bond movie on Blue-ray this evening.       

Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary.
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