Divine Mercy Clearly Christ's Passion, death, and Resurrection which we contemplate during Lent and Easter are the greatest sources of evidence that the Lord is merciful to us. The first Sunday after Easter has been named and celebrated as Divine Mercy Sunday. To read more about what that means, how it is observed, and to learn one of the most powerful prayers around, The Chaplet of Divine Mercy, check out this website and/or this personal reflection on the devotion and associated prayers.
Quality Time I
had a nice treat around lunchtime on
Tuesday when I went over to drop off a burrito bowl from Chipotle for my
sister, I got to catch up with her a bit while holding my twelve lbs. one month
old nephew, Ezra, who snuggled up in my arms and slept soundly for most of the
time. Thanks for reminders of the many miracles in our lives, Lord!
Young Sponges Soak Up Everything I’m reminded about a million times a day how infants
and toddlers are such sponges. Vivi will
start singing part of a song or say a line from a book then ask me to read it,
or she’ll suggest we do something that we used to do before her sisters were
born (last May), or I’ll see one of the twins mimic their big sister. Kids are listening to the songs you play, the
words you say, the things you sing, everything they watch on TV, DVD, computer,
XBOX, and it does affect them and stick with them much longer than you
to the Throne Room Knowing that young
children are listening, watching, and imitating what I do makes me feel a huge
sense of responsibility, especially since I can remember and am still affected
by what people close to me said and did even before I was 5 years old. I am that much more certain that I need to
be grounded in prayer and fully relying on God when such precious,
impressionable people are in my care. I
feel that way about everyone, but I have always been especially sensitive to
how powerfully we can influence children’s self-esteem, interior monologue
(which at a young age still is an external monologue), and the habits they form…
The Theology of Marriage It’s been interesting to read what different people have
to say about: what the definition of marriage is, what it has meant, and should
mean in the future. This is a reflection I wrote on marriage and the one book in addition to the
Bible that explained most beautifully God’s love for us and His intentions for
us. This is the best recent article I’ve read (thus far) explaining the Roman
Catholic teaching on marriage from the beginning.
The Chronicles of Narnia I have a confession to make. Not only was it only within the past 6 months that
I finally read all of The Lord of the Rings for the first
time in my life, but also I am only now reading The Chronicles of Narnia. I feel a much greater appreciation
for classic Catholic literature now that I've taken greater steps to round out my very secular studies as an English (with a concentration in creative writing) and French major at a liberal arts university. I’m also very excited to be working on
something within the genre of Catholic fiction that will hopefully entertain and inspire many.
Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary.