“The multitudes began to praise Him
while others were trying to stop them.
He said, ‘If they hold their peace,
the rocks are gonna cry out.
I am one less stone,
and I’m one more voice to praise Him.
Blessed is the King
who comes in the name of the Lord.”
Interestingly enough, it’s when God has called me to go against those who are close to me, for example, when I fell in love with Kevin and no one thought our relationship would last, that I draw closer to Him. I pray more often and find myself more open to spiritual cleansing. I get to the point where all I know for sure is that I want to do His will above all else. I’m willing to surrender everything I know or think I know, so He can clean me out and make me a better vessel for His love, mercy, forgiveness, and healing.
I am reminded often of the need to listen. “Be still and know I am God…” Psalm 46:10 has been very dear to me ever since I made Cursillo (a short course in Christianity) in June of 2006. I know I am far too frequently inclined to go and do, rather than to sit and listen. The Bible says God will come to us in the silence to lead us from all of our fears.
One of the most difficult things for me to do when I’m worried about something is to be still and listen. I’m more likely to talk it out, process it through writing, find a passage in Scripture or a song that will lift me out of a rut, read an inspirational book, watch a funny movie, go for a walk, dance for a while, basically, seek out any suitable distraction to keep me from having to face the void within that only God can fill. I’d be much more peaceful if I just opened myself up to the grace God wishes to give me.
I know I am very grateful when someone cares enough to listen. I’m honored when someone trusts me enough to share their worries and prayer requests with me, knowing that I’m more than willing to listen, offer support, and add my own prayers to theirs. Knowing all of this, I still tend to talk at God rather than with God at times.
Lord, thank You for listening. Help me to do a better job of listening to You. I know it will lead me to praise You more and find peace when going against the values of the world when that’s what You ask me to do. I desire to be one less person with a heart of stone or one who is armed with a rock of judgment, so that I really am one more voice to praise You. Lead me, Lord by the light of Your Truth. Amen.
Trisha, Beautiful article. I, too, am more Martha than Mary. But I still am seeking "the better part". Thank you for writing this. Karen Johnson