Grace is…witnessing
the power of prayer, guardian angels keeping your loved ones safe, little ones full-out
running into your arms for a hug, laughter in the midst of life’s messiness,
seeing strength, courage, and beauty in others who struggle to see it in
themselves, a good night’s sleep…
Have Trouble Being in the Moment? Why
yes, sometimes I do. It drives me crazy
that I can sometimes be like all but one of the people in this video. I’d rather not admit that I, too, can be so plugged in to electronic devices that I’m not really present to and with the people right before me. I have and will
continue to shut down the computer, turn my cellphone off, and request the TV
be turned off so that I can have what is actual quality time with my loved ones,
but I still have to be mindful of such things or else. The irony of it all is that I found this video clip link on Facebook, and I was distracted from watching it because my phone beeped. I’d gotten a text from my mom. I responded to it immediately letting her know that I’m home for the evening if she wants to call and have someone listen as she’s had a lot of tough stuff to deal with this week.
I don’t have a smartphone or an iPhone. My mobile is minimally intelligent and the camera in it’s just about useless, which is why I try to interact and associate with people who are smart and am still carrying around my good old faithful 10 megapixel Panasonic Lumix camera.
One day when we can afford to upgrade our phones and calling plan, I may have to resist the temptation to spend too much time on my smartphone, but right now I’m too busy juggling different devices when trying to remain reasonably connected and turning all of them off when ready for some actual quality time with people in the flesh.