Grace is…having two grandmothers who were strong women of faith as examples when I was growing up, two parents who always pray for me (one still on earth and one in Heaven), a merciful Lord, reaching out to those who are struggling to survive, living examples of people who do the right thing even when nobody's looking, actually believing God has great things planned for your life beyond your wildest dreams…
One Year Anniversary My grandma past away one year ago today. She has been an inspiration to me for many reasons seven of which you can read about here, if you like.
Top 10 Mommy Blog Epic Fails I’ve finally accepted that I don’t have what it takes to have a hugely successful, widely read, and dutifully followed mommy blog. I know exactly why that’s the case, and since many of these things aren’t likely to change anytime soon, we might as well be transparent about these drawbacks. Here are the top 10 reasons why my own blog is not a super-colossal mommy blog at the top of everyone’s blogroll and whose notification of new posts pop up in inboxes everywhere and some links to cool successful mommy blogs.

I responded: “Don’t! It’s not a good idea!”
He said: “No, following your directions is not a good idea.”
King George & the Ducky In honor of the Mass readings for today, I thought I’d direct your attention to one of the most brilliant pieces family friendly filming that takes actual Bible stories and puts them into an animated form that will have your whole family LOL and educated about morality. Yes, of course, I’m speaking of Veggie Tales King George & the Ducky.
Gimme Shelter I haven’t seen it yet, but I plan on seeing it soon and have only heard amazing things about it. I couldn’t even make it through watching the trailer without tearing up:
Day of the Little Way On Feb. 4, Catholics everywhere are invited to join an unprecedented movement on Twitter and Vine called the Day of the Little Way. Inspired by St. Therese of Lisieux, the Day of the Little Way asks Catholics to embrace the New Evangelization by living out your faith in 140 little - but powerful - characters all day long!The Day of the Little Way encourages Catholics to use the hashtag #LittleWay all day long on Twitter and Vine as a way to share their small stories of faith, prayers, quotes, inspiration and encouragement online. By uniting under one hashtag, Catholics not only demonstrate solidarity in their faith, they also open the door for dialog with people online in a new way. As Pope Francis stated in his recent Communications Day message, “A culture of encounter demands that we be ready not only to give, but also to receive…Let our communication be a balm which relieves pain and a fine wine which gladdens hearts.”
Ironically enough, I don’t have a Twitter account, but I did read the book that inspired this movement, and I’ll be posting the review of it on February 4th. Check back, then you can tweet it for me ;)
Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary.