This photo was taken by my honorary Matron of Honor Laura Stapleton after Kevin and I renewed our marriage vows at 5:00 pm Mass on September 4, 2016, at St. Michael the Archangel Church. |
DAY 6: My Best Friend, Then Boyfriend, Now Husband, Kevin Potter
Kevin and I first met when I was just sweet sixteen. My mom rented the other side of the cottage he and the real Harry Potter lived in, so we could spend a week on Lake Ontario. Our lives were never the same. Kevin became friends with my mom, sisters, and me. None of us realized our lives would never be the same.
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This is one of the earliest photos I have of Kevin taken just days after we'd first met him. |
Kevin has been to all three of my graduations: high school, undergraduate, and graduate. This was taken at the 3rd in the trilogy. |
My biker babe looking pretty bad-ass on his 1987 white Honda Interceptor. |
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I'm hardly the adventuresome type, but riding a motorcycle isn't the only wild and crazy thing I've done under his influence. The first of these incidents occurred before we began dating when I volunteered to try water-skiing while Kevin drove the boat. Oh, and I also moved his car a couple times. |
Future's so bright he's gotta wear shades. Kevin tends to be happiest when we're back in his hometown of Rochester, NY. I took this photo of him on one of our many trips to Ontario Beach Park, where we spent a great deal of time when we were just becoming friends and dating. |
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Kevin and I had way too much fun one Halloween dressing up as Men in Black characters. He even went so far as to spray paint a water gun for a prop. |
One of the things I love about Kevin is that he takes great joy in spending time with cute little ones, particularly those with whom he has had to share me for a number of years. Here Kevin's holding our Goddaughters, the twins, the two youngest of the three silly sisters for whom I nannied. Whenever he arrives, they shout: "IT'S KEVIN!" |
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Kevin has been tremendously supportive of my writing and photography endeavors. We look pretty cute together, huh? |
Kevin rejoicing over birthday decorations this summer on his birthday last July. His sister's comment about the "birthday boobs" colored everything. |
Kevin was not pleased to find out that I would be getting dressed up to renew wedding vows in celebration of our 12th anniversary because it would mean he'd have to wear a suit. Sometimes, I can't dress him up or take him out and others, I can be rather persuasive. |