Thursday, April 24, 2014

Cursillo Weekend: Great Mercy Living Hope

     After months of prayers and preparations, the 465th Cursillo Women's Weekend is finally upon us.  I'm so very excited to be a part of this amazing team brought together to do God's work!  What a blessing this experience has been, and the best is yet to come!

Please keep the team and candidates in your prayers this Thursday through Sunday (April 24-27, 2014) as we gather to bask in God's love and His Great Mercy, so that we may return to the world as renewed sources of Living Hope!

Don't forget that this Sunday April 27, 2014 is extra special.  It's Divine Mercy Sunday as well as the canonization of two popes.


What Is Divine Mercy Sunday?

Did you know Divine Mercy Sunday is April 27, 2014?  It's always observed the Sunday after Easter, though many of the faithful don't know about this powerful prayer and important message from the Lord.      Click here to see a 15-minute video explanation of how to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday here.
There are a number of beautiful ways to celebrate the Lord’s Divine Mercy and the messages of mercy given to the world, especially through Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska. I encourage you to read up on this feast day and find a church in your area that actually celebrates it. I love The Chaplet of Divine Mercy prayers.   This sung version is one of my absolute favorites! It's a very powerful prayer to sing with others. 
We've used it on Cursillo and Christ Renews His Parish retreats with great success!  Some have said it was the most powerful part of the weekend for them. 
Click here to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy on your computer.
Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and the Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly Beloved Son in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world...For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world."  "Jesus I trust in You!" - excerpts from the Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Please keep the team and candidates of the 465th Cursillo weekend taking place from April 24-27, 2014.  We are celebrating our theme which is based on the message of Divine Mercy and we will be sharing the Chaplet of Divine Mercy as part of the weekend.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Three Holiest Days of the Year: The Easter Triduum

We are about to enter into the three holiest days of the Christian calendar which are celebrated as one unbroken service.  Many people, including a number of practicing Catholics, don't realize that beginning at sunset on Holy Thursday, through Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday into Easter Sunday are the three holiest days in the year. These three days, starting Thursday evening and going through Sunday evening are known as the Holy Triduum.  They give us a wonderful opportunity to pray and reflect on Christ's Passion, death, and Resurrection.

A Holy Week overview in two minutes:

Over the years, I have prayerfully written a number of reflections on these three holiest of days and how they are observed.  Below, I've included links to those reflections as well as to those posts that chronicle the joyous, miraculous occasion of my husband returning to the Catholic faith.

Holy Thursday: Washing of the feet and Institution of the Eucharist
This evening we will remember what Christ did in His 72 hours on earth.  To read more about the significance of Holy Thursday and what we do to honor it, check out this reflection.

Good Friday: Veneration of the Cross
A new look at Christ's words on the Cross: "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?"
Remembering Christ's Sorrowful Passion

Easter Vigil: A culmination of the faith and summary of Christianity through Scripture reflection, songs, and sacraments.  Saturday evening is when people are Baptized and brought into the church through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.

Check out Very Special Fond Memories of the Holy Week for a more detailed account of one of the best Holy Week's of my life, when my husband Kevin returned to the Catholic Church in 2000 (and was named "the patron saint of boyfriends" by Fr. Remi Sojka, the priest who served our Catholic Campus Ministry at Hollins University and Roanoke College.

May you and your family have a very blessed and most Holy Triduum!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

In Case You Were Wondering Where I've Been

     As part of the ongoing discernment I know to be life-long necessity for all who try to be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit,  I have been prayerfully listening and making some changes I have felt urged to undergo in how I spend my time, energy, etc.  It has been a tremendous gift and encouragement that Kevin has decided going to daily Mass several times during the week would be his Lenten devotion, because there are few things that remind me of God's love and ability to change hearts and minds than sitting and holding hands with my dear husband at Mass.  
     I've been subbing at school pretty often, still reading a lot (mostly in English but also some French), and Kevin's been doing some odd jobs here and there while still looking for a full-time job with benefits.  We're both still praying and waiting for whatever will be the next big thing we undertake, but right now we're content to be serving on really wonderful Cursillo teams and growing closer to the Lord and each other.   

     I realized in hopping from one blog to the next to try and keep up with what’s going on in the world and the blogosphere, attempting to participate in the right link-ups and get the most visitors to my blog with frequent, timely posts was making my prayer time, faith formation, closest relationships, and my vocation to write (particularly: spiritual reflections, personal letters, and prayers) suffer.  
     This is why I have not been participating in 7 Quick Takes Friday recently or posting quite as often as I have at other times.  I have been getting back to a more regular chunk of time for daily prayer, journaling, writing reflections, letters, and things more often, and it's been good to process things with pen and paper and decide what I will share, if anything, on my blog.  Writing because I love to write and am inspired is something I don't want to lose and can too often get away from when I have too many of the how to have a wildly popular blog or what you should be writing about or commenting on things going through my head.  
     It's more important to me to have an active prayer life, loving relationships in person, and time to listen and reflect on what God is asking of me, than it is to see how much blog traffic I can get.  I get caught up in the shoulds and coulds ideas, and suddenly, I find myself stressed out, fragmented, unsettled without enough prayer time, disconnected from loved ones.  
     Plus, I figure that if I am dedicated to prayer and open to what the Lord wants of me, then what I write will reach the people that would find it helpful to read and ponder whenever and if ever they happen upon my blog.     

     I stepped back to look at how I have been spending my time by asking and praying about the following: 

1. What goals or motivation have influenced my choices the most? 

2. Does the Lord come first and my relationship with my husband second before everyone and everything else? 

3. What do I need to do differently so that my time, actions, energy, and on what I spend money reflect that God is first and foremost in my life and that our marriage comes before all else?

     I know it’s not a coincidence that I’ve been prompted to ask myself these questions when I am more often around people for whom prayer, faith formation, and acts of service are a way of life.  Certainly, when surrounded by those who do their best to put Christ first, I am more inclined and challenged to do the same thing.  For those reasons, I am incredibly grateful for the local Cursillo community as well as the Christ Renews His Parish contingency from our parish. 
     Earlier this week I had lunch with my mom, and we had an interesting discussion about how the decisions we make—both big and small, public or private—affect other people, especially those closest to us, whether we want them to or not.  I was mentioning how apparent it has been to me that I want and need to be around Christian community who make prayer, ongoing discernment, and faith formation a priority in their lives.  Their example inspires, encourages, and motivates me.
     The other side of that is also true: the time I spend with the Lord (or don’t) affects every single one of my interactions with other people—not just in terms of their faith and prayer lives, but in every aspect of our lives. 

     The best thing I can do is God’s Will both for me and for everyone else.  To be conformed to God’s Will, I have to spend time in prayer, take part in the Sacraments, and be aware and respectful of His Presence in each person and living thing. 
     In order to do this, I need to be aware of my own proclivities, downfalls, and sinful inclinations, so that I draw closer to Christ.  Once I step into the light of Jesus, He then creates in me a new, more loving, gentle, compassionate, tender, and merciful heart.  With a renewed heart and spirit, I am able to be a better, bigger vessel for the Holy Spirit to work in and through. 
     The more I am open to the Lord and fully present to the people He’s put in my life, especially those physically in my presence, the more God’s love will shine in, through, and around me. 

     Lord, so often I look around and see what others are doing and determine in my own mind the value of what they’re doing and how they’re doing it, but I’m much more hesitant to observe and be mindful of my own thoughts and actions.  If I spend too much time looking inward, I easily become discouraged, depressed, doubtful, sorrowful, and afraid.  If I remain focused on You, then love, great mercy, living hope, and compassion will be closer to the surface. 
     God can and wants to work in and through me to bring others closer to Him.  Am I going to rejoice in that and cooperate or resist and refuse to go along? 

     Truthfully, I’ll likely do some of each.  Fortunately, He can bring about good even from my unwillingness and stubbornness in responding to His grace.    

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Catholicism: A Body Both Suffering and Glorious by Fr. Robert Barron

In the spirit of the New Evangelization and with the intention of illuminating the beauty, reverence, and relevance of the Catholic faith in this day and age, Father Robert Barron serves as a knowledgeable, thought-provoking guide to some of the most awe-inspiring mysteries of Christianity throughout the ages.  Though it’s quite unusual for me to say this or have it be true, I saw the Catholicism DVD series before I read Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith.  I must stay that both are well-worth your time and money. 
This Catholicism blog tour is to celebrate the release of the paperback version of this book by Fr. Robert Barron, which follows, pretty much word for word the Catholicism DVD series which he wrote and hosted. 

Oh yeah, and did I mention you can also win a trip for two to Rome and Paris?  Image Books and Word on Fire have teamed up to put together a really sweet trip for two, so you and whomever you choose to take with you will get to explore some of the gorgeous places and holy spaces visited in the DVD series and described in the book.  There’s more information about that here.
When asked to write a reflection on a chapter of Catholicism, I immediately jumped at the chance.  As the Holy Spirit would have it, my husband has made it his Lenten practice to go to daily Mass most days of the week.  In addition to this best of practices, he’s also been interested in watching the entire Catholicism DVD series for a second and third time.  I can’t think of a better way to bring an already very intriguing book to life, so we revisited some of the breathtaking examples of the faith alive and well today.

Catholics hold that the church is not merely a human organization, simply a coming together of like-minded people, a community of purely worldly provenance and purpose.  Rather, the church is a sacrament of Jesus, and as such shares in the very being, life, and energy of Christ. 

Father Barron talks about how the church is a living organism.  Each person is made in the image of Christ, and we are all intimately connected.  When one person suffers, we all suffer.  When one rejoices or is healed, everyone is affected.  Father Barron underlines the importance of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy as necessary outpourings of the grace we experience in the sacraments and are called to go and share with the world.  
Fr. Barron shows in a myriad of ways why community is essential if we are going to remain in communion with the Lord and have an interactive, ongoing relationship with Christ Jesus.  I’ve been reminded of this phenomenon a number of times in the past several months.  When surrounded by people who make prayer a top priority and serving others a way of life, I am more likely to do the same.
Much of the time, I could easily enough go to daily Mass most days of the week, take time for silent prayer time alone, and reach out to someone who is suffering in mind, body, and/or spirit.  Does that mean I always do?  No.  It is most often in my conversations with the Lord and my interactions with others that I am challenged to be transformed so that I can be made into a more effective living part of the mystical Body of Christ.
We are all made in Christ’s image, but we need to stay connected to the Source of all Life, Love, and Truth if we are going to have our will, heart, and mind transformed to be like our Savior’s.  That requires that we accept our God-given holiness, remain open to faith formation, and live out what we’ve learned through action, particularly through serving and ministering to others.   
Through a deeper understanding of how and why the church is described as "one, holy, catholic, and apostolic," we see how such a delineation across the centuries has set the Roman Catholic Church apart as the great gathering force rooted in the person of Jesus Christ and subject to the interpretation and leadership of the apostles and their descendants.  
The Catholic Church has all of the gifts that Christ wants his people to have: Scripture, Liturgy, theological tradition, sacraments, the Eucharist, Mary and the saints, apostolic succession, and papal authority.   

I highly recommend reading Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith along with watching (or in some cases re-watching) the Catholicism DVD series, and if you have any interest in going on a trip to Rome and Paris, then you should probably enter these sweepstakes
To check out all ten bloggers who have read and written about Catholicism as part of this blog tour, click here.  

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Catholicism Blog Tour: March 31-April 9, 2014

     We're celebrating Image Books paperback release of the highly acclaimed book and DVD series by Fr. Robert Barron called Catholicism.  Over 10 days, ten different bloggers (including yours truly) are hosting the Catholicism virtual blog tour by posting a reflection inspired by one of the chapters in the book.  In case you're wondering, the chapters in the book correspond directly with the episodes in the DVD series.  
     For more information or to order your own copy of Catholicism, click here.

March 31 – Chapter 1: Stuart’s Study
April 1 – Chapter 2: Seasons of Grace
April 2 – Chapter 3: A Good Measure
April 3 – Chapter 4: 
Snoring Scholar
April 4 – Chapter 5: The Catholic Book Blogger
April 5 – Chapter 6: Prints of Grace
April 6 – Chapter 7: Catholic Bibles
April 7 – Chapter 8: Team Whitaker
April 8 – Chapter 9: Single Catholic Girl

April 9 – Chapter 10: The Curt Jester
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